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  • 您当前位置: 首页>>新闻动态>>常见问题公共卫生间隔断抗倍特二代板特点



    来源:https://www.fumeijia.net/ 日期:2024-07-08 发布人:创始人

    抗倍特二代板因价格相对便宜,且实用性较强,是公共卫生间隔断板材里面使用率最高的板子之一。 材料:由木纤维和特定的树脂经过高温高压制成。这种板材经过特殊的工艺处理,具有高度的稳定性和耐用性。 厚度密度:抗倍特板子厚度为1.2cm、1.6cm、1.8cm,密度通常为750、850、1050密度,可根据自己使用场景选择厚度以及密度,一般通常使用1.2cm厚度850密度即可。

    Due to its relatively cheap price and strong practicality, the second-generation anti Beite board is one of the most commonly used boards in public bathroom partition boards. Material: Made from wood fibers and specific resins through high temperature and high pressure. This type of board has undergone special process treatment and has high stability and durability. Thickness density: The thickness of the anti doubling board is 1.2cm, 1.6cm, 1.8cm, and the density is usually 750, 850, or 1050. The thickness and density can be selected according to your own usage scenario. Generally, a 1.2cm thickness of 850 density is sufficient.

    适用场景:抗倍特二代板适用于各种需要高强度、防潮、防火和耐用的场合。例如公共卫生间、学校、办公楼、商场、餐馆等公共设施的隔断、墙面和台面等。 价格:定制发货最低70元/平方起,含五金配件材料,具体价格和颜色可详细咨询。


    Applicable scenario: Anti doubling second-generation board is suitable for various occasions that require high strength, moisture resistance, fire resistance, and durability. For example, partitions, walls, and countertops of public facilities such as public restrooms, schools, office buildings, shopping malls, and restaurants. Price: Customized shipping starts at a minimum of 70 yuan/square meter, including hardware accessories and materials. Specific prices and colors can be consulted in detail.

    制作时间:定制发货时间一般为5-10天,根据地区远近,时间略有差异 优点:高强度,抗倍特二代板具有很高的机械强度,能够承受较大的压力和冲击力;具有良好的防潮性能,可适用于潮湿环境;耐用,稳定的结构和高质量的材料,使得抗倍特二代板具有很长的使用寿命。

    Production time: Customized delivery time is generally 5-10 days, with slight differences in time depending on the region. Advantages: High strength, anti double special second-generation boards have high mechanical strength and can withstand large pressure and impact forces; Has good moisture-proof performance and is suitable for humid environments; Durable, stable structure and high-quality materials make the second generation anti Beite board have a long service life.

    价格实惠,相比于其他材料价格更低廉。 缺点:防水性差,不适用于淋雨间等冲洗区域;重量高,相比于一些其他材料,抗倍特二代板的密度较大,因此重量也相应增加,这可能会给运输和安装带来一定的困难。

    Affordable and cheaper compared to other materials. Disadvantages: Poor waterproofing, not suitable for flushing areas such as rain rooms; Due to its high weight, compared to some other materials, the density of the second generation anti doubling board is higher, resulting in a corresponding increase in weight, which may bring certain difficulties to transportation and installation.








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