一、板材含水率。1、 Moisture content of plate.家具板的含水率决定了板的胶合强度等方面。一旦板材含水率不达标或超标,就会造成板材质量问题,不仅是实木生态板、多层板,其他板材也是如此。The moisture content of furniture board determines the bonding strength of the board. Once the moisture content of the...
一、板材含水率。1、 Moisture content of plate.家具板的含水率决定了板的胶合强度等方面。一旦板材含水率不达标或超标,就会造成板材质量问题,不仅是实木生态板、多层板,其他板材也是如此。The moisture conte...2021-12-20 查看详情 -
原因分析Cause analysis① 施工时胶膜未干就把面板、底板进行贴合,致使胶膜粘接力低,板中间的溶剂无法挥发造成面板起泡;① During construction, the panel and bottom plate are bonded before the adhesive film is dry, resulting in low adhesive force of the adhesive film, and the s...
原因分析Cause analysis① 施工时胶膜未干就把面板、底板进行贴合,致使胶膜粘接力低,板中间的溶剂无法挥发造成面板起泡;① During construction, the panel and bottom plate are bon...2021-12-16 查看详情 -
墙面快装板安装步骤一:Installation step I of wall quick mounting plate:拼缝处应装有密封胶,在完成前一道工序后,将被下一道工序覆盖。The joint shall be equipped with sealant, which will be covered by the next process after the previous process is completed.墙面快装板安装步...
墙面快装板安装步骤一:Installation step I of wall quick mounting plate:拼缝处应装有密封胶,在完成前一道工序后,将被下一道工序覆盖。The joint shall be equipped with...2021-12-13 查看详情