抗倍特板,挂墙板拥有良好的物理性能——耐磨耐刮、防潮阻燃、经久耐用、易于清洁等,而且表面采用的色纸款式纹路多种多样,可以满足设计师多种表达效果的需求,因此深得设计师与消费者的喜爱和认可。Anti double special board and wall hanging board have good physical properties such as wear resistance, scratch resistance, moist...
抗倍特板,挂墙板拥有良好的物理性能——耐磨耐刮、防潮阻燃、经久耐用、易于清洁等,而且表面采用的色纸款式纹路多种多样,可以满足设计师多种表达效果的需求,因此深得设计师与消费者的喜爱和认可。Anti double special board and...2023-11-27 查看详情 -
矿棉板、玻璃棉板:主要以矿棉、玻璃棉为隔热材料。其本身不燃、耐高温性能好、质轻,但不足之处有:Mineral wool board and glass wool board: mainly made of mineral wool and glass wool as insulation materials. It is non combustible, has good high-temperature resistance, and i...
矿棉板、玻璃棉板:主要以矿棉、玻璃棉为隔热材料。其本身不燃、耐高温性能好、质轻,但不足之处有:Mineral wool board and glass wool board: mainly made of mineral wool and gl...2023-11-24 查看详情 -
石英是一种物理性质和化学性质均十分稳定的矿产资源,石英石是目前石英石板材生产厂家对其所生产的板材的一种简称,由于其板材主要成分石英含量高达93%以上,因此称为石英石。Quartz is a mineral resource with very stable physical and chemical properties. Quartz stone is a abbreviation for the boards produced by q...
石英是一种物理性质和化学性质均十分稳定的矿产资源,石英石是目前石英石板材生产厂家对其所生产的板材的一种简称,由于其板材主要成分石英含量高达93%以上,因此称为石英石。Quartz is a mineral resource with very ...2023-11-22 查看详情