1.准备砂纸,从最粗的到最细的最少准备4种1. Prepare sandpaper, with a minimum of 4 types from the thickest to the thinnest 2.把台面断裂处用最粗的砂纸打磨,然后讲两块台面从两头进行挤压固定。挤压的越紧越好。2. Polish the broken area of the countertop with the thickest sandpaper, a...
1.准备砂纸,从最粗的到最细的最少准备4种1. Prepare sandpaper, with a minimum of 4 types from the thickest to the thinnest 2.把台面断裂处用最粗的砂纸打磨...2024-05-15 查看详情 -
卫生间隔断用什么材料好?What materials are good for bathroom partitions? 卫生间隔断采用人造板材隔断,是使用特别广泛的。人造板材隔断,一般为酚醛树脂高压板,防潮、耐撞、耐污损、易清理。但成本比较高,所以适用于潮湿或干燥、高温的环境,防火等级要求高。The bathroom partition adopts artificial board partition, which is part...
卫生间隔断用什么材料好?What materials are good for bathroom partitions? 卫生间隔断采用人造板材隔断,是使用特别广泛的。人造板材隔断,一般为酚醛树脂高压板,防潮、耐撞、耐污损、易清理。但成本...2024-05-14 查看详情 -
不燃板和防火板区别The difference between non combustible board and fireproof board 阻燃板是由木段旋切成单板或由木方刨切成薄木,对单板进行阻燃处理后用胶黏剂胶合而成的三层或多层的板状材料,通常用奇数层单板,并使相邻单板的纤维方向互相垂直胶合而成。阻燃板是以木材为主要原料进行生产的。Flame retardant board is a three-layer or mult...
不燃板和防火板区别The difference between non combustible board and fireproof board 阻燃板是由木段旋切成单板或由木方刨切成薄木,对单板进行阻燃处理后用胶黏剂胶合而成的三层或多...2024-05-13 查看详情