Fumijia fireproof board is a type of fire-resistant building material used for surface decoration, which mainly includes:
The middle main body is composed of resin glue mixed with wood chips.
The double-sided veneer is made of modified polyvinyl chloride plastic.
富美家防火板也被称为耐火板,学名为热固性树脂浸渍纸高压层积板,英文缩写为HPL(Decorative High-pressure Laminate)。它具备耐火、防潮、耐高温及不褪色等特性,广泛用于室内装饰、家具、厨柜、实验室台面、外墙等领域。
Fumijia fireproof board, also known as fire-resistant board, is a thermosetting resin impregnated paper high-pressure laminated board, abbreviated as HPL (Decorative High pressure laminate) in English. It has the characteristics of fire resistance, moisture resistance, high temperature resistance, and non fading, and is widely used in indoor decoration, furniture, kitchen cabinets, laboratory countertops, exterior walls, and other fields.
The thickness of fireproof board is generally between 0.4mm and 2mm, and the fire rating reaches B1 level, which belongs to flame-retardant materials.
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