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    来源:https://www.fumeijia.net/ 日期:2024-07-03 发布人:创始人

      富美家装饰耐火板 是一种以含浸过的进口装饰纸与牛皮纸层层排叠,再经高温高压压制而成的材料。它具有耐高温高压、耐刮、防火等特性,是一种相当耐用的表面装饰材料。这种材料的学名为热固性树脂浸渍纸高压层积板,英文缩写为HPL(Decorative High-pressure Laminate),属于表面装饰用耐火建材,具有丰富的表面色彩、纹路以及特殊的物理性能。富美家防火板的材质主要包括树脂,具有耐火、防潮、耐高温等特性,耐火温度可达150℃,产品等级达到B级防火。

      Fumeijia decorative refractory board is a material made by layering imported decorative paper and kraft paper that have been soaked, and then pressing them under high temperature and pressure. It has characteristics such as high temperature and high pressure resistance, scratch resistance, and fire resistance, making it a fairly durable surface decoration material. The scientific name of this material is thermosetting resin impregnated paper high-pressure laminated board, abbreviated as HPL (Decorative High pressure Laminate). It belongs to the refractory building materials for surface decoration, with rich surface colors, patterns, and special physical properties. The material of Fumeijia fireproof board mainly includes resin, which has characteristics such as fire resistance, moisture resistance, and high temperature resistance. The fire resistance temperature can reach 150 ℃, and the product grade reaches B-level fire resistance.c6fbb2f3-025f-48d3-bd5f-1b315bb002fb

      关于富美家装饰耐火板 与实木的比较,实木具有天然的纹理和温润的手感,适用于需要强调自然质感的场合。而富美家装饰耐火板 则更适合于需要耐刮、防火等特殊性能的商业或公共空间使用。选择哪种材料更好取决于具体的使用需求和场景。

      Regarding the comparison between Fumeijia decorative refractory board and solid wood, solid wood has a natural texture and warm texture, making it suitable for occasions that emphasize natural texture. Fumeijia decorative fire-resistant panels are more suitable for commercial or public spaces that require special properties such as scratch resistance and fire resistance. The choice of which material is better depends on specific usage needs and scenarios.

      本文由 富美家装饰耐火板 友情奉献.更多有关的知识请点击  https://www.fumeijia.net   真诚的态度.为您提供为全面的服务.更多有关的知识我们将会陆续向大家奉献.敬请期待.富美家装饰耐火板

      This article is a friendly contribution from Fumeijia Decorative Refractory Board. For more related knowledge, please click https://www.fumeijia.net Sincere attitude. We will provide you with comprehensive service. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Stay tuned. Fumeijia Decorative Refractory Board








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