来源:https://www.fumeijia.net/ 日期:2019-06-19 发布人:admin
星星之火能够燎原,家里空间普通都不大,火势一旦蔓延就殃及整个空间。要控制火势蔓延,居家预防火灾的发作,除了控制防火学问外,家装材料要选择具有防火功用的,这样的话即便着火了火势也能很快被控制住,延长脱险时间。 富美家防火板又名高压装饰耐火板,学名为热固性树脂浸渍纸高压层积板,是外表装饰用耐火建材,有丰厚的外表颜色,纹路以及特殊的物理性能。
The spark can start a prairie fire, and the space in the house is usually not big. Once the fire spread, it will affect the whole space. In order to control the spread of fire and prevent the occurrence of fire at home, apart from the knowledge of fire prevention, household decoration materials should be chosen with fire prevention function, so that even if the fire is on fire, it can be quickly controlled and the escape time can be prolonged. Fumeijia fire-proof board, also known as high-pressure decorative refractory board, is a high-pressure laminated board with thermosetting resin impregnated paper. It is a refractory building material for exterior decoration. It has rich exterior color, lines and special physical properties.
Fumeijia Fireproof Board
Home appliances fire protection primary school asked:
In the application of air conditioning, we must pay attention to: do not cut off or turn on the power supply of the air conditioner in a short time. When the power is cut off or the power plug is unplugged, we must remember to put the selection switch in the "stop" position. Air conditioners must be grounded or maintained at zero. Thermal insulation resistance should not be less than 2 ohms in order to avoid the fire caused by the overflow of refrigerant. In order to better fire prevention, no combustible articles should be piled around the air conditioner, and curtains should not be placed on the window air conditioner to increase its power.

电热毯的火灾事故发作也不是一次两次了,运用前要认真阅读阐明书,特别要留意运用电压,不要把36伏或24伏的低压电热毯接到220伏的电压线路上。电热毯要铺在床板上运用,较好上下各铺一层床垫或被褥,不要在 床垫和钢丝床上运用直线型电热线制成的电热毯。做到这几点,您就已根本控制电热毯的防火小常识了。
The fire accident of electric blanket is not once or twice. Before using it, we should read the instructions carefully. We should pay special attention to the application voltage. We should not connect 36 volts or 24 volts of low-voltage blanket to 220 volts of voltage line. Electric blankets should be laid on the bed, preferably with a mattress or bedding on top and bottom, and not on the mattress and wire bed with linear electric heating wire. By doing these things, you will have the basic knowledge of controlling the fire protection of the thermal blanket.
Fumeijia Fireproof Board
How to Choose Home Fire Protection Material:
为了有效的预防室内装饰火灾的发作,以及一旦发作火灾能避免火势蔓延扩展,减少火灾损失,应选用不燃或耐火的室内装饰材料。 富美家防火板经过防火板质量检测到达A1级,甲醛释放检测规范。采用特殊消费工艺加工而成,具有耐高温、阻燃、吸声防震、防水防潮、防虫、轻质防腐、无毒无味无污染特性。可直接上油漆,直接贴面,可用气钉直接上瓷砖,外表有较好的着色性。强度高、弯曲有韧性、装修极端便当、可据、可钉、可粘。在同类产品中有复合的特殊功用。
In order to effectively prevent the occurrence of indoor decoration fire, as well as once a fire can avoid the spread of fire, reduce fire losses, should choose non-flammable or refractory indoor decoration materials. Fumeijia fire-proof board quality detection reached A1 level, formaldehyde release detection specifications. Processed by special consumption technology, it has the characteristics of high temperature resistance, flame retardant, sound absorption and shock protection, waterproof and moisture-proof, insect-proof, light anti-corrosion, non-toxic, odorless and pollution-free. It can be directly painted, directly veneered, and directly covered with ceramic tiles with air nails. It has better coloration. High strength, flexibility, extremely convenient decoration, evidence, nail, sticky. It has compound special function in the same kind of products all over the country.
Fumeijia fireproof board is widely used in home space, and has decorative effect of imitating wood grain, marble and wallpaper. The product has the features of smooth appearance, not easy to fade, environmental protection and health, full and attractive color, not easy to scratch, dust removal, waterproof and sound insulation, acid and corrosion resistance, luxury and fashion. Our website is http://www.fumeijia.net.
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