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    来源:https://www.fumeijia.net/ 日期:2019-12-31 发布人:admin
      1、 There are some differences between the double plate and the solid physicochemical plate公司引进抗软化板是由装饰色纸含有三聚氰胺树脂,与层含浸出的黑色或棕色牛皮纸酚醛树脂层,然后使用钢板通过高温(150℃)和高压(1430 psi)压制而成,厚度从1.6毫米至25毫米的环境都可以生产。它是一种通过结构的高压装饰板,表面的彩纸层,不仅能满足多种颜色的选择,还能提供多种表面处理的装饰需要。
      The anti softening board introduced by the company is made of decorative color paper containing melamine resin, and layer containing leached black or brown kraft paper phenolic resin layer. Then, the steel plate is pressed by high temperature (150 ℃) and high pressure (1430 psi), and the thickness can be produced in the environment from 1.6mm to 25mm. It is a kind of high-pressure decorative board with a structure and a colored paper layer on the surface, which can not only meet the selection of various colors, but also provide the decorative needs of various surface treatments.
      The core material of the solid core corrosion-resistant physical and chemical board is thickened by kraft paper layer, which is pressed by high temperature and high pressure, and the thickness is more than 3mm, so the board can be directly made into the table or cabinet board without being attached to the base material. The unique structure of Formica corrosion-resistant physical and chemical board: chemical film, surface paper, color paper, special kraft paper (multilayer).
      2、 Who is better than epoxy resin
      The market of decorative materials is very similar. Although there are many kinds, there are always comparisons between the two materials. Many users are concerned about the real core physicochemical board and epoxy resin, who is better?
      Physical and chemical board and epoxy resin are considered as good, see the final application, physical and chemical board is cheap, physical and chemical board is more beautiful, which is satisfied by ordinary primary and secondary school laboratories; the resin has good low temperature resistance, and the surface of epoxy resin is commonly used in high-end laboratories such as universities, biochemical laboratories, GMP workshops, etc. See you don't need to ask for low temperature, don't need physicochemical board better, finally it depends on the cost performance.
      Epoxy resin is an inorganic compound with two or more epoxy groups in its molecule. Its absolute molecular weight is not high except in general. The molecular structure of epoxy resin is characterized by the presence of active epoxy groups in the molecular chain.
      Due to the activity of epoxy groups in molecular structure, they can be crosslinked with a variety of curing agents to form an insoluble polymer with three-way network structure. All macromolecular compounds containing epoxy group in molecular structure are called epoxy resin. Cured epoxy resin has good physical and chemical properties. Its appearance has good bonding strength, dielectric function, small expansion and drying rate, good size fluctuation, high hardness, good flexibility, local solvent alkalinity and large fluctuation. Therefore, it is widely used in national defense, national economic departments, pouring, impregnation, laminated materials, adhesives, coatings and other applications Way.
      Solid physicochemical board is kraft paper with thickened local core material, which is made by pressing at low temperature and high pressure, with a thickness of more than 3mm. It is not necessary to glue on the base material to make the table or cabinet board indirectly.
      The above is the comparison between the epoxy resin and the solid core physicochemical board. If you want to know more about other decorative materials, please follow our website.







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