来源:https://www.fumeijia.net/ 日期:2022-04-29 发布人:admin
Resin board is a new type of environmental protection decorative board, with flame retardant performance, sound insulation, impact resistance and other good performance, its surface hardness is high, can be arbitrary modeling characteristics. So how to keep the rich home resin board bright surface?
Metope decoration of rich beauty home resin board, in the use of a period of time, the stain on the board will not only pollute the wax film on the surface of the resin board, but also infiltrate the interior of the resin board, so that the resin board wax yellow, and affect the cleanliness of the resin board. So rich beauty home resin board to do regular maintenance work.
Clean the surface of resin sheet with dust or vacuum cleaner. Dilute the wax remover for resin board wax with warm water. With special cleaning machinery and corresponding type of cleaning grinding disc, bottom speed grinding cleaning. Clean the sewage on the resin board, and then clean the resin board with clean water and then suck the sewage again. After the resin board is dry, use special wax to drag and smear the special wax of resin board evenly.

对人流量大的场所建议涂抹两次以上。待前一道蜡充分干燥后再打第二道。 树脂板材打蜡完成后,应充分干燥后方可使用,风干前不要踩踏树脂板材。树脂板材打蜡可根据不同场合进行定期打蜡保养。
It is recommended to smear twice or more in places with large human flow. Wait until the first wax fully dry and then hit the second. Resin board waxing, should be fully dry before use, do not tread on the resin board before air drying. Resin board waxing according to different occasions for regular waxing maintenance.
If you want to make fumei home resin board keep a bright surface, you should regularly give Fumei home resin board to do maintenance, so that it can also prolong its service life. If you are choosing decoration materials, you should know about the rich meijia resin board, details will come to the website www.fumeijia.net to see it.
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